Satisfactory – Power Tips

Satisfactory - Early Access
You can connect multiple power stations together.

I’ve been playing Satisfactory for a few days now. Here’s a tip I didn’t realize when I started playing.

When you start, your first power station is probably the Biomass Burner unit. It has a limited output (power) and a limited connection (one connection).
That means, you can only directly connect ONE item to your power station.

To allow connection to more than ONE unit, place a Power Pole. The mk1 version allows a total of four (4) connections (1 with the incoming power, 3 units). But in reality , it’s just a total of 4.
You can chain Power Poles together to cover long distances… and to connect and power more than three (3) units.
However, you can also connect all your Biomass Burners together into that same grid. So you can have say… four (4) Biomass Burners (maybe all neatly in a row?) and then they each go to a Power Pole. Then connect each of the Power Poles together… THEN connect those to other Power Poles to power your equipment.

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